
Prof. Dr. Urs Schmidhalter
Chair of Plant Nutrition, Research Department Plant Sciences Hans Eisenmann-Zentrum TU Munich, Weihenstephan
Prof. Schmidhalter visited the NRC (Fertilization Technology Department) during the period 30.10-4.11.2010.

The aim of the project was to :

  • Discuss running and future cooperation between the Chair and the Department and the micronutrients project
  • Discuss possible future cooperation in new topics between the Chair of Plant Nutrition and different departments in NRC

He got acquainted with the activities of the Department and the Project “Micronutrient and Plant Nutrition Problems”.

During his stay, Prof. Dr. Schmidhalter delivered two presentations on :

  • Focus on research activities at the Chair of Plant Nutrition, Life Science Center Weihenstephan, Technische Universität München
  • TUM. The Enterpreneurial University. Fresing-Weihenstephan. Center of Kife ad Food Sciences

He had also opportunities to contact other colleagues from Cairo University, NRC, Monoufya University, with whom he has already cooperative work.

Prof. Dr.A.Amberger
Institute for plant nutrition, Technical University Munich – Weihenste phan
The activities started in 1976 and supported by the GTZ (German agency for Technical Cooperation) on Behalf of the federal Ministry for Technical Cooperation (BMZ) FRG. Activities run in Cooperation With the Institute for plant nutrition , Technical University Munich – Weihenste phan

Micronutrients and plant Nutrition Program me.

Micronutrients in soils/plants/animals/human beings.

Micronutrient deficiencies in soil lead to low crop yields with low quality and low content of micronutrients in the products.

Fodder having low contents of micronutrients leads to animal diseases, which in some cases cause low productivity and infertility.

Human beings, in turn, suffer from diseases due to lack of micronutrients in the diet. Zinc deficiency causes growth inhibition in adolescence, a disease which is widespread in Egypt.

Balanced fertilization including micronutrients leads not only to higher yields and crops with better quality, but also to healthier animals and prevents human diseases.

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